Understanding 100% Commission Model: A Deep Dive with Houstir Inc.

100% Commission Model

In the dynamic realm of real estate, various business models and commission structures exist. Among these, the 100% commission real estate broker model stands out, gaining traction in recent times. This article, brought to you by Houstir Inc., will explore the intricacies of the 100% commission model, its workings, and the pros and cons associated with it.

What Does 100% Commission Mean?

A 100% commission real estate broker, like Houstir Inc., empowers agents to retain the entire commission from a real estate transaction. This contrasts with traditional brokerages, where agents share their commission. However, it’s crucial to understand that agents usually compensate the broker through a fee or subscription for amenities, support, and resources.

With Houstir Inc., agents are not just working with another 100% commission company but partnering with us. This partnership ensures that agents have full access to our cutting-edge tech stack, weekly coaching/training calls, and MLS membership throughout California, among other benefits.

Advantages of the 100% Commission Model with Houstir Inc.

  1. Maximized Earnings: The primary allure of this structure is the potential for amplified earnings. Agents can retain the entire commission, optimizing their income based on their diligence and achievements.
  2. Autonomy and Flexibility: Agents experience enhanced flexibility in managing their real estate endeavors. They can determine their pricing, and marketing tactics, and customize their services to client requirements.
  3. Expense Management: Agents have the reins over their expenditures. They can judiciously allocate funds to marketing, advertising, and other business-related aspects.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: The full commission retention ensures heightened transparency in transactions. Agents can meticulously track their finances, fostering better financial planning.

Considerations with the 100% Commission Model:

Agents are expected to be self-reliant and should understand the costs they must bear in running their business. These include insurance, legal fees, marketing costs, MLS dues, advertising expenses, etc. It is essential that agents allocate resources intelligently so that they can optimize their income potential without compromising on quality of service.  Additionally, agents need to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations to avoid penalty or liability.


Overall, the 100% commission model represents an attractive solution for agents looking for autonomy while having access to the necessary resources and support. With thoughtful financial management, agents can make a living without being bogged down by hefty overhead costs associated with traditional brokerage models.

Commission Model

  1. Brokerage Fees: While agents keep the entire commission, they cover fees to the broker, which encompasses office space, tech tools, and other resources.
  2. Resource Limitations: Unlike traditional brokerages, some 100% commission models might offer restricted support. However, with Houstir Inc., agents have 100% access to our marketing team and tech support.
  3. Client Base Development: Agents must actively nurture their client base, investing in networking and marketing.
  4. Financial Prudence: Retaining the full commission necessitates effective financial management. Agents should be adept at budgeting and financial planning.


The 100% commission real estate model, as championed by Houstir Inc., provides agents with an avenue to elevate their incomes while retaining control. This model promises financial lucidity and the opportunity for agents to develop their client base, with the support of an experienced marketing team. It is a model that rewards tenacity and yields tangible success.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Houstir Inc.’s 100% commission real estate model! We are confident this system will help you reach your goals and ambitions in your real estate career

Haven't made up your mind yet? Reach out to us and make the switch to Houstir Inc!

Our managing brokers and agent success team are eager to assist you throughout the entire process.

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