How To Make More Money As A Realtor with Houstir Inc.

How To Make More Money As A Realtor with Houstir Inc.

If you’re a real estate agent, you know that success in the industry isn’t guaranteed just by obtaining your license. That’s why we’ve compiled some tips to help you make more money as a realtor.

To succeed, you need to be able to persuade people to invest in real properties, including buying residential properties. Skilled agents start out by learning the profession and later expand into starting their own brokerage. With 4.8 million home sales by realtors expected during 2022, there’s plenty of opportunity to make a good income if you learn how to sell. There are also different specialties, or niches, that you can choose from, such as selling short sales, becoming a buyer’s agent, or even becoming a real estate investor. We’ll show you how to become a broker and start your own brokerage and six other niches you can specialize in.

Making More Money as a Realtor with Houstir Inc.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 4.8 million home sales are expected during 2022. With that many home sales for 2022, there is money to be earned by Realtors in 2022. The McKissock Real Estate Learning Center reports that first-year agents earn around $55,300, and it increases to $82,000 for agents in their 2nd and 3rd years.

Besides the traditional listing agent seeking prospects for new listings, other specialties (niches) exist that Realtors with Houstir Inc. can take advantage of.

  1. Earn Fast Commissions by Selling Short Sales A smart listing agent with Houstir Inc. can negotiate with the lender to accept less money. If the lender accepts an amount, the agent can list the home at a lower price, which is called a “short sale.” Probably, there is no profit for the seller, but getting out of debt and raising the credit score opens opportunities for future mortgages. A short sale allows the seller to qualify for a future home purchase if his or her income is adequate and the credit score is high enough. The commission percentage is the same for the Realtor, whether a normal or short sale.
  2. Become a Buyer’s Agent with Houstir Inc. Focusing on helping buyers find their ideal home is a specialty (niche) in the real estate sales profession. The buyer’s agent performs different marketing, advertising, and self-promotional skills and strategies than a listing agent. The role of a buyer’s agent differs from the listing agent during a transaction. A buyer’s agent finds a buyer, negotiates with the seller for the buyer and writes the offer for the buyer. Buyers depend on their buyer’s agent with Houstir Inc. to perform every aspect of the purchase process until the transaction closes.
  3. Become a Real Estate Investor with Houstir Inc. Many Realtors with Houstir Inc. make money by investing in real estate. Use your knowledge and expertise to find profitable deals. As you help buyers and sellers, you will learn how to earn profits by investing in real estate. You will recognize a good deal when you see it in your local MLS or FSBOs or with vacant land and properties. Earn great returns while building your portfolio. Real estate often outperforms stocks and bond investments. You can start as a novice investor by joining local investment clubs (or starting your own club). This places you amongst seasoned investors who can mentor you.
  4. Specialize in Other Niches with Houstir Inc. Besides becoming a buyer’s agent or a short sales Realtor, there are other niches that Realtors with Houstir Inc. can specialize in, such as becoming a 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange Realtor to double your commissions, helping investors, becoming a probate real estate agent, becoming a foreclosures specialist, becoming a house flipping agent, and earning big commissions.
  5. Become a Broker with Houstir Inc. After gaining experience as an agent and feeling confident, taking the broker’s exam to become a broker makes sense. You take control of your own brokerage business with Houstir Inc. As the broker, you locate a good office and recruit agents. You are responsible for your agents and staff to work ethically and legally. If legal disputes arise, it’s your responsibility to resolve them. Start small with yourself and a couple of agents and grow. Like any startup, you must keep initial expenses low. As the broker, you have options on how you earn money. You can follow traditional brokerages and take a percentage of your agents’ total commissions. Or, you can charge a monthly associate’s (desk) fee plus other fees for providing administrative, marketing, and transaction services.

Tips For Making More Money As A Realtor with Houstir Inc.

Bring it all together from our tips for making more money as a Realtor with Houstir Inc. Here’s how:

  • Start as a Listing Agent with Houstir Inc.
  • Specialize in selling Short Sales; or
  • Become a Buyer’s Agent with Houstir Inc. or
  • Become a Realtor who invests in real estate with Houstir Inc. or
  • Specialize in other niches with Houstir Inc. and
  • Get a broker’s license and start your own brokerage with Houstir Inc.

Join Houstir Inc., recognized as a leading name in the real estate industry. You’re poised for success with our robust support system, cutting-edge tech stack, and a reputation for excellence. Discover more about our accolades and the opportunities we offer on our website,

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